What Uber Did To Me, a continuing story
Just back from rehab at Rusk. The first appointment since the assessment. My assessment? This sucks. I have several vision issues which converge (pun fully intended) to create what’s a visual mess. The misalignment from the fourth nerve palsy, the convergency insufficiency and this right eye blurriness are combining in a whole bunch of ways, none of them good.
Now I have homework. I’ve got a small ball with a big X on it (ball is pink, X isn’t twitter, no Bear you can’t have it.) And a letter chart. My homework - to be done once daily - is to look at the X at the point where my vision is clearest (my arms are outstretched to make that happen) and then to look at the X, then one letter on the chart, back to the X, back to a letter.
Sounds easy. And for most people it is. But with what the rehab therapist referred to as persistent concussive syndrome nothing is easy. This definitely isn’t. The once a day plan recognizes how difficult and exhausting this is. She said if there’s a day where you feel exceptionally well to try it twice. But mostly to stick to it once.
Nothing is easy with a TBI. She was also telling me about how some problems caused by TBI’s don’t show up right away; in fact they can show up months or even years later. That might explain why my vision is so challenged now. It seems worse than it was when I last went to vision rehab, in 2023. Not that long ago, but long enough that the gremlins have been chewing at my vision wiring and weakening it.
Lots of work to do.
I’m not going to fuck around with this (yes it is possible and even likely that there have been times in my life when I wasn’t fully compliant - with anything. Not my jam.) I need to do all the work to get my vision back to where it needs to be. Like everything else with the TBI that Uber caused I may never fully get back but can get close or find different ways there.
I’ll do the exercises, once a day. I’ll deal with the fatigue and nausea they cause. I’ll take lots of breaks (especially palming - you cover each eye with one hand to block out all light - it calms things.) I’ll keep the ball away from Bear.
Fuck you, Uber. Fuck you for doing this to me.