So sorry to hear about Nick. Sending hugs and best wishes. The impact of TBI on your mental and physical health is absolutely incredible. Temperament especially, I feel like screaming in frustration when I’m raw, tired and being triggered. Actually worked with a therapist about what my triggers are and a better way to cope. Same old story. Maybe try a mood stabilizer for a short time?? I wish I could assure you it gets easier Your plus is you have Nick. +++
You’re Stronger than you think. You’re still on your feet, living your life. Most people would have crawled into a hole. That’s not you! Your brain may be damaged but your spirit, is still intact, That’s 💯🫂🫂💕
Hang in there.... I imagine having Nick back home will help immensely. And sending you good thoughts, and "behave yourself" thoughts to a certain 80 pound puppy.
So sorry to hear about Nick. Sending hugs and best wishes. The impact of TBI on your mental and physical health is absolutely incredible. Temperament especially, I feel like screaming in frustration when I’m raw, tired and being triggered. Actually worked with a therapist about what my triggers are and a better way to cope. Same old story. Maybe try a mood stabilizer for a short time?? I wish I could assure you it gets easier Your plus is you have Nick. +++
You’re Stronger than you think. You’re still on your feet, living your life. Most people would have crawled into a hole. That’s not you! Your brain may be damaged but your spirit, is still intact, That’s 💯🫂🫂💕
Hang in there.... I imagine having Nick back home will help immensely. And sending you good thoughts, and "behave yourself" thoughts to a certain 80 pound puppy.
I applaud you Wendy! These are very real challenges, and you are indeed a warrior.
Thank you Al - really means a lot that you read it and take the time to comment. A lot. I'll be writing a new post tomorrow: "Maybe I'm not fixable."